Academy Pendulum Sales
Parts and Service Information
Please contact Academy Pendulum Sales for information regarding parts and service.
Manuals are available for downloading from our website on the Manuals page.
Information on troubleshooting can also be found on this website in the Troubleshooting Guides section.
You can send an email to us by filling out the form on our Contact page.
To reach us by phone, please call 510.215.0446.
Photo courtesy of Hunt Oil, Dallas, Texas (ball designed especially for Hunt Oil.)
To view a typical Academy Pendulum Sales brass ball, click here.
To view a typical Academy Pendulum Sales brass ball, click here.
Academy pendulum kits include:
- A 235-pound 15” polished brass ball with sculptured end caps.
- A 1/8” cable to suspend the ball.
- One magnetic drive system is used to keep the ball swinging continuously. (The magnet is located near the suspension point at the top of the cable.)
- One support tower and pivot assembly
- One electronics control package
- One 10”w x 14”h, educational brass wall plaque mounted on a walnut base. It includes a credit to Jean Foucault for his contribution to science, and a brief explanation of the pendulum.
- Kit comes packed in wooden crates and weighs approximately 640lbs. total.